Building Blocks of Brilliance: Essential Skills Learned in FS1 & FS2

Building on the Fun: Exploring FS2 (Foundation Stage 2) in Dubai

Introduction: In the journey of early childhood education, FS1 (Foundation Stage 1) and FS2 (Foundation Stage 2) serve as the cornerstone, laying the groundwork for a child’s future academic success and personal development. These formative years are not merely about play; they are about fostering essential skills that will shape a child’s cognitive, emotional, social, … Read more

Introducing FS1 (Foundation Stage 1): A Stepping Stone to Bright Futures in Dubai

FS1 Foundation Stage 1 in Dubai

For parents in Dubai looking to embark on their child’s educational journey, Foundation Stage 1 (FS1) marks an exciting first step. This crucial phase, typically catering to children aged 3 to 4 years old, lays the groundwork for a lifetime of learning and discovery. Imagine a nurturing environment where curiosity is celebrated, and play is … Read more

Toddler putting fingers in mouth

Toddlers putting their fingers in their mouths

As parents, it can be alarming to see our toddlers putting their fingers in their mouths. However, this behavior is actually quite common among young children, and is often a normal part of their development. In this article, we will explore why toddlers put their fingers in their mouths and what parents can do to … Read more

French Nursery Dubai: A Multilingual Early Childhood Education Experience

french nursery Dubai

Parents in Dubai who wish to provide their children with a multilingual education have several options, and one of them is a French nursery. These nurseries offer children the opportunity to learn the French language and culture from an early age while receiving a quality education. In this article, we will explore the benefits of … Read more

Building Positive Relationships with Your Child’s Nursery Teachers

Building Positive Relationships with Your Child's Nursery Teachers

Building positive relationships with your child’s nursery teachers is essential for creating a successful and supportive learning environment. In this article, we will explore the importance of positive relationships with nursery teachers and provide tips for building these relationships. Importance of positive relationships Communication: Effective communication is key to building positive relationships with your child’s … Read more

Celebrating Cultural Diversity in Early Childhood Education

Celebrating Cultural Diversity in Early Childhood Education

Cultural diversity is an important aspect of early childhood education. By celebrating diversity, children can learn about different cultures and perspectives, and develop a greater understanding and respect for others. In this article, we will explore the importance of celebrating cultural diversity in early childhood education, and provide tips for educators and parents on how … Read more